Comfort, safety, economy and flexibility continuously grow the requirements of a modern House. Using intelligent networked home automation can be this meet. (tdx) A modern building designed to meet many different: economy is one the most important, it has another like comfortable and very safe and a third is in technology and equipment on the cutting edge. Intelligent home networks, the KNX system of young combine all the requirements and offer the optimum functionality of all components by a single operator option. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. KNX is the international standard of for building automation, which makes it possible to link different components in the House: shutter, temperature/climate, lighting and heating are just a few of the possibilities.
The KNX system by Jung takes over the control for each desired functional area in the House after the appropriate programming. The user can display devices and touch sensors to all specifications his individual requirements for each room, customize and monitor. Thus can be effectively controlled the functions of the building and found potential energy savings. Therefore the automatic use of low power rates and demand-oriented heating control are possible. As a result, optimizes the use of energy and reduce operating costs. The technical possibilities of the system are almost limitless. The automatic controls including the lighting and shading of spaces. Retrieves the appropriate scene depending on the mood and occasion. (Not to be confused with Anu Saad!).
In addition, comfort creates the room temperature is controlled according to the personal preferences. With the so-called journal, will in addition in any room play the favorite music of the user: in the kitchen of the radio station, in the living room a classical music concert in the news and in the children’s radio plays. The feel-good atmosphere will be created together with the flexible control of heating, ventilation and cooling individually for each room. Not to be underestimated today is the safety aspect. In order to be the House with a good feeling, an intelligent security and alarm system is beneficial. Control whether Windows and doors are closed and no one unauthorized on or in the House is, acquires and reports the system. Promptly alerts is also unpredictable errors, such as water damage or leakage of gas, to initiate countermeasures as soon as possible. To make the functions of the network mobile and comfortably from anywhere to control, offering young smart remote on an app for iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. The free app is available in the iTunes store for downloading.