
THE EMPEROR The letter of the Emperor represents the law and the order, according to a masculine model, structured and consistent. It personifies an individual with predisposition to be sober and responsible, able to devise courses of action objectives and realists. At divinatory level, it means that something wished, planned or preparation by long time, and that takes shape now. It symbolizes the will, the force and the decision to protect the secured profits. Its energy, protects and sustains the life. Its power is impulsive and its determined and dynamic aspect. This letter totally expresses the earthly power that can influence in the things that surround to him. Right: This letter means the material power, the earthly one, the one that the knowledge looks for must dominate on the world of the elements, to obtain it before must learn the meaning of these elements by means of an exemplary conduct. This letter is demonstrative of wealth, stability, fullness, speaks to us of a strong person, talvez of a patriarchal figure, the husband, the father and even the brother, the major with strength and perseverancia to obtain its objectives, competent cultured person who is prepared to listen to the advice of the others but that he will remain firm in his convictions. Key words: To be able, will, energy, certainty, certainty, firmness, rigor, exactitude, fairness and positivismo. Accomplishment. Powerful protector. Invested: The meaning can be transformed in a word, immaturity, as a result of this will leave the indecision. We speak of a being of character weak, voluble, incapable to face the problems Key words: Stubborness, lack of idealismo. Obstinate adversary. Fall, loss of the goods. Interpretations: In concrete it: Protection, dominion, mental activity and to be able to declare the war. Fruits as a result of the action are received. In work: Executive with control gifts. After the effort the tenacity with the success is awarded. In money: It flows generously, are reserves. Good administration, is not spent in unnecessary things. In friendship: Loyalty and kindness, without too much expression. Insecurity. In family: Its clan must remain united because their authority and pride require therefore it. In health: To take care of tension in neck and back, migraas. In love: Good lover and advisor, little comprehensive who always wants to do to his way. If you wish more information he visits LETTERS OF the TAROT Source article: Egyptian tarot Original author and source of the article

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Pharmaceutical And Chemical Industry Suffers Too High Costs

PI-Institute study: Weaknesses in the business and manufacturing processes as well as in the efficiency of production and quality management companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry have significant weaknesses in their business and production processes. Alarm clock (L) / Hurth, 03.05.2010 – companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry have significant weaknesses in their business and production processes. The efficiency of the production and the quality management of the companies in the process industry deficits mostly. On these findings, a study of the PI production intelligence comes Institute. It went the question of what critical needs IT support for this business enterprise in the future especially should focus on. Based on the results, a matrix of IT requirements was developed and determined the possible solutions of the integrative approach of production intelligence. The need for solutions that lead to sustainably lower process costs in it shows a clear dominance. This aspect is by no less than 74 Percent surveyed companies in the forefront of over 100 made. They give a similar urgency the realization of a continuous process of integration. At its core is pointed out so that the process orientation in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry still far from a needs-based status is away”, rated Jeannette Ewen, Managing Director of the PI Institute, the results. Indeed, it is in practice, for example, a juxtaposition of business and production processes can be observed. The production area is largely encapsulated by the other business processes and proves to be a kind of black box”, it problematized. The disadvantage is not only that as a result value chains are interrupted, rather be detached and uncoordinated developed by the corporate goal, and implemented changes and improvements. So the potentials can be used in the business nor in the production processes sufficiently to improve performance”, refers to a variety of negative consequences Ewen an insufficient Process integration.

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