Current corporate data for the right decisions always have in mind. Information event is straight on the 04.03.2010 in Suhl in economically tough times important always to have the relevant company data at a glance. The free event with the name CBS QlikTalk, which introduces the analysis and reporting capabilities of enterprise data with the software QlikView by QlikTech is dedicated to this topic. If you would like to know more then you should visit cardiologist. In the context of the information event user companies report as, for example, the KGM ball Gebauer GmbH from Fulda, Germany the various analysis and reporting scenarios from the practice. The memory world champion and author Christiane Stenger on the analysis capabilities of the human brain and their optimisation possibilities will speak at the end of the afternoon. The event takes place on March 04, 2010 from 13:30 in Suhl in business vital hotel, Central Mountain Road 1, 98527 Suhl.
The reservation – limited seats – can 0931 3041840-0, the Web address by telephone under phone number suhl2010 or be made via E-Mail to. Press contact and more information: CBS consulting business solutions GmbH of Schweinfurt str. 4, 97080 Wurzburg Thorsten Stein telephone: 0931/3041840-0 fax: 0931/3041840-30 about CBS consulting business solutions GmbH that CBS consulting business solutions GmbH offers consulting and software development in the areas of ERP with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SharePoint and business intelligence on. The focus is the integration of different systems, using new technologies to increase the efficiency and optimization of the processes in the company. CBS owns the Gold Certified Partner status of Microsoft for the competencies in business intelligence, information worker solutions, Microsoft business solutions and SOA and business process. In addition, CBS certified reseller for the business intelligence is product QlikView by QlikTech.